“I wish I had a local dog trainer near me.”

looking out over the ocean from vero beach at sexton plaza

A view of Vero Beach from Sexton Plaza

Well, the good news is that now you do.

That is, of course, if you live near Vero Beach, Florida, that beautiful stretch of ocean along the Treasure Coast between Melbourne and Fort Pierce (an area of outstanding natural beauty) that I am proud to call home. This area has been named Florida’s perfect hideaway.

Dogs are easier to train when they are calm and comfortable. That’s why I like to start training at clients’ homes, in a space familiar to the dog. Once we have the basics down, it’s time to hit the streets, where we hone our skills in various busy environments.

Vero Beach is an ideal environment for training dogs. It has a mix of semi-urban spaces on the mainland, a dedicated dog park, and miles of beaches.

It even has a dedicated pet-friendly Hurricane Shelter. We are in Florida; after all

After we have mastered basic obedience and are no longer distracted by various busy environments, it’s time to start studying for the AKC Good Citizen test.


Is my dog too old to train?


Dog-walking injuries are more widespread among elderly women